Saturday, December 8, 2012

Snowman Leaves Rillito

Meet Snowman. Here he is in the east courtyard of our desert home. He is about to head to the car for a trip to the Rillito U. S. Post Office where he will be mailed to Wisconsin.

This is Annie at the Post Office. She welcomed Snowman and attached postage to him. She took my money and gently dropped Snowman into the out bin. Now Snowman is on the way to Wisconsin to Stan's farm.

Snowman is a cousin to Froggie who appeared in my Arizona mailbox last February. Froggie came from Michigan and was a delightful birthday surprise.

Liesl and I bought Snowman at the toy store in downtown Howell on the day after Thanksgiving. Everybody at Liesl and John's house put their name on Snowman with a Sharpie marker. Snowman traveled home to Huron County with me and then he had a plane ride to Arizona.

I am hoping that we can get a photo of Snowman and Stan after Snowman makes the big journey from the Southwest to the Midwest. (Hint, hint.)

Copyright 2012
Wanda Hayes Eichler

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