Friday, December 14, 2012

Oh God, Knit Us a Big Hat. Right Now.

Yesterday I took 21 handknit hats for little ones out to Marana High School. The school has an excellent program that supports young women and their children. It is a parenting program that gives teenagers the tools and support that helps them graduate from high school. It was heartwarming to give the hats, made by my knitting friends, to these young moms and their children.

Today there has been another mass shooting in an elementary school in Connecticut. Eighteen children and eight adults -- gone. It is unspeakable to even think that these things continue to happen.

I'm writing from Tucson where two years ago former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords was brutally shot at another mass murder where six people died. That event happened just 15 minutes away from where I am writing today. I regularly drive by the park that honors Christina Taylor-Green, the nine-year-old child killed in that shooting.

I can't even think of the horribleness of this day for the parents and grandparents of the Connecticut children. And the adults.

I know that it is not possible for humans, but somewhere God is knitting a big hat. One that covers all of us at once, and makes us kind and gentle and loving. It is a hat that warms the coldest of hearts.

Oh, God, knit us that hat and put it on this broken world. Right now.

Copyright 2012
Wanda Hayes Eichler

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful thought - wishing it could come true - sending you a virtual hug :)
