Sunday, December 9, 2012

New Eyes: The Red Beet, Animated

As a part of the New Eyes artwork series, I've included an animated image in today's blog post. What you are seeing is an assignment from my Pencil I class.

I drew the outline of a red beet. That's the first image that you see in this image, called a GIF, usually seen as .gif. Think of a GIF as a slideshow. It is like a little Kodak Carousel projector that sits behind your screen and operates through the HTML code in this blog post.

There are two images in this GIF -- one with an outline of a red beet and one with shading that you will see as the GIF ends.

The GIF starts with the outline and then the shading fades in. Our assignment was in two parts: First,  draw the outline of the beet. Second, tape tracing paper over the top of the sketch and, on that transparent paper, do the shading of the object below.

Overachiever that I am, I decided to learn how to make GIFs in Photoshop so that I could show this assignment in one image. You see the base sketch, then the tracing paper sketch starts to appear, and finally the shaded red beet is in place. Kind of neat, sort of corny, definitely a beginner's work.

I hope that you get the idea of these images. We see them on the internet, often as ads that move and flash on the side or top of the screen. This one is set to repeat two times. Now you know a little more about the how webpages work and I have learned how to make a GIF.

Good show!

Copyright 2012
Wanda Hayes Eichler

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