Friday, August 12, 2011


Cool weather with breezes that feel like fall has embraced the Thumb this week. Each day brings another batch of rainclouds and, sometimes, a patch of sprinkles here and there.

Tall, puffy thunderheads develop during the day. We see them in the distance and then, as they come closer, their towering buildup commands the sky. In this photo taken mid-county looking east from Hellems Road the thunderhead is in the distance, maybe even out over Lake Huron. It might be twenty or thirty thousand feet tall.

Huron County is about 600 feet above sea level and a lot of the county is fairly flat land where you can see for five or six miles in the distance. When these cloud formations come gangbusters off of Saginaw Bay, they get attention. They're like giant hot air balloons. You can't help but marvel at their beauty and hope that the powerfull storms they can produce stay right up in the cloud and continue on their way.

Copyright 2011
Wanda Hayes Eichler

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