Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Favicon Quilt

A Favicon Quilt, thanks to Photoshop

The little purple square with a white W that you see on the browser tab and in the address bar for this blog is called a favicon. Many websites use a unique symbol that identifies them in this spot on the newer tabbed browsers. Twitter has a blue bird, the New York Times uses its elaborate T, and the Willow blog now has the white W on a purple square.

Favicon is short for favorites icon and can also be called a shortcut icon or URL icon. I started using a  purple W on a white square for the Willow blog and then decided that a white block W on a purple square would be better. I chose purple because that is grandson Max's favorite color. The W, obviously, represents "willow." I like the distinctiveness and simplicity of the resulting favicon.

Ed could see the purple favicon on his browser right away. I tinkered away with the browser settings on my Toshiba laptop so I'm finally seeing the little purple thingie. (Where did it go? How come you can see it and I can't? I read the help files. Darn, I should be able to do this.)

It's such a small touch, but when you are a techie who learns most things by the seat of your pants, even a purple personalized favicon is a very cool achievement.

Favicon quilt copyright 2011
Wanda Hayes Eichler

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