Sunday, December 15, 2013

Advent Angel


It's the bleakest week of the year, these next few days. In the run up to Solstice Day I begin to feel the cumulative effects of short days and long nights. 

The weariness of the year presses on my heart and, like the ancients, I look around for some meaning, some sign. 

Ah. There she is. An advent angel with her 24 heart shaped pockets full of promise. Hung on a wall, with a funny nose, funky hat, and bead like eyes, she silently sings the song of hope. 

"Christmas is coming and things will get better."

A smile crosses my face. This unlikely icon, a doll hung on a wall, reminds me that in the darkest days there is light ahead.

There is still time for Christmas cookies and phone calls to faraway family and friends. Time to watch a holiday movie and sing a quiet song. 

And that, my friends, is good news, good news indeed. 

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