Sunday, November 3, 2013

Artwork: Whoops

The Big Game in East Lansing between Michigan State and Michigan was on my brain when I took a moment last Friday morning for artwork. I knew that I had a stretch of fifteen or so minutes to spend, so I hauled out the big watercolor palette and went to work.

This pen and ink sketch, accented with watercolor, looked pretty good to me at this point. I liked the color and the shapes. "Not bad," I told myself.

In my weekend anticipation mode, I pulled a big WHOOPS when I decided to add a cast shadow in Payne's Gray to the composition. Then I figured that maybe the shadow could be overtaken by a double lined border. Then I thought, "Well, gee, Wanda, just add some background."

After I was done composing, and painting, and talking to myself, this was the end result -- a journal page with a big blob of gray.

It's how you learn, this practicing and knowing when there is a WHOOPS. Maybe I will paste something over the blob. Tissue paper, or a torn chunk of brown grocery sack paper. Even better, maybe that's where my ticket from the game should go, right over the gray blob, since Michigan State's undefeated Big Ten record is definitely brightening up the autumn football scene in this household!

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