Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Pumpkin Wagon 2014

Every year I tell myself that I'm going to raise and sell pumpkins. Then I kind of lose track of that thought and, by the time seeds are purchased and sown in spring, pumpkins become a last effort.

Here's the Cheap Charlie & Bros. Pumpkin Wagon on Carpenter Road out on the east bypass around Bad Axe. These are humongous pumpkins this year! My eye was attracted to the big white ones so I stopped today to get one before they are all gone.

I really admire the pumpkin wagon people. They have to raise the pumpkins, harvest and clean them, price them, and display them along the road sides. Payment is usually on the honor system ( this wagon has a neat metal box with a slot for the money) but I bet some of these pumpkins slip off into the same black hole that my campaign signs have disappeared into.

Anyway, the pumpkin people have to be johnny-on-the-spot since they only have about four weeks to sell their wares. Hats off to these gardening greats who produce shapely orange and white and green pumpkins and squashes and gourds that make our fall so colorful!

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