Thursday, September 27, 2012

Volunteer Pumpkin

Have you ever sat next to someone on a plane or a train who just couldn't quit fidgeting? Someone who talked all the time, or fiddled with their mobile, or rustled a newspaper? Some people just exude excess energy.

There is a volunteer pumpkin plant growing in our big compost pile that is like that. It just doesn't know when to quit. It has not been singed by the early autumn frost. It survived the summer drought. It is still sending out blossoms.

This pumpkin plant is like the Tenacious Geranium that I write about. It just keeps on, keeping on.
I know that there is a botanical term (like tomatoes being "determinate" or "indeterminate") for this quality in a plant. While I don't know botany well enough to know that term, I must say that I admire plants and people who just keep on blooming, even in autumn, even as the growing season slips away, and even as the sun fades from the sky.
Copyright 2012
Wanda Hayes Eichler

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