Sunday, January 13, 2013

Boxed In

This is my End of The Year filebox. I spent the better part of last week looking for it. Was it under a desk? Tucked in a closet? At the office? In my studio? My brain stumbled over the various places that I could see the filebox.

Well, it finally showed up yesterday, under one of the four foot plastic tables that I use for computer and crafting work. It wasn't under the studio table where I pictured it. It wasn't in the basement. It was in the sunroom and, yes, it was under a four foot table. Whew. I got something right.

So, the lost is found and I can continue with my paperwork for the end of 2012. In a way it is a relief to know where the box is. But while the box was gone, I was free to plot alternative and somewhat creative strategies for completing the tasks represented by the files in the box.

Now, I am back to Square One with the first deadline ahead. Tomorrow.

Oh well. That's life. I'm back to being boxed in, for now.

Copyright 2013
Wanda Hayes Eichler

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