Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Artwork: Floating Squash

Long squash vines were creeping through the lawn, making it tough to mow close to the garden, and there were big blobs of butternut peeking out from the tall grass.

So Ed and I took our handy dandy pruners and chopped off the errant vines. First we picked up the squashes that were on the lawn and moved them, vines attached, back to the garden plot. Of course, some of the larger fruits were close to harvest and detached themselves from the vines which had developed roots and tendrils and really wanted to stay in place.

I brought a squash in and plopped it on the dining room table. It seemed like a good idea to sketch it. That worked out fairly well. But when I moved to the next step, a pen and ink watercolor sketch, well. . .

due to a lapse in my artistic composition (the leaf should probably touch the squash, or I could add a connecting stem) the squash looks like it is floating.

Moral of the story -- try again. Then eat the squash.

Copyright 2013
Wanda Hayes Eichler

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