Thursday, March 14, 2013

Drying The Plastic Bags

I truly am my mother's daughter as you can see by my improvised plastic bag drying mechanism. Yes, those are red wine bottles, and yes, those are Ziploc bags drying upside down on the bottles.

Mom used to run plastic bags through the washer and dryer, or so I seem to remember. I resisted recycling plastic bags for a long time and then realized that I really could easily wash them out. I use my sister Mary's method of washing and rinsing. I use sudsy water, hot. Then, like Mary taught me, I rinse them three times. Mary's scientific method reduces the soap residue into parts-per-million (or something like that).

The wine bottle drying rack is my own invention. My Grandma Rose used to keep Mogen David wine around the farmhouse. As you can see, I stick with the reds and even make the bottles into something useful.

I guess that you could call my plastic bag recycling a sign of a re-purposed life. As my Facebook friend, Dale Rosene, the Alaskan Santa, always says, "life is good," especially with recycling.

Copyright 2013
Wanda Hayes Eichler

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