Friday, September 12, 2014

Around The Thumb -- Four

From Pte. Aux Barques Lighthouse, we drove south through Port Hope with the idea of finding the metal chicken sculpture that I have been talking about all summer. It is painted, fairly large, and a distinctive marker for someone's driveway. Just a cool thing.

South of the chicken's location is a tree shaded cemetery, one of many cemeteries in Huron County. Ed and I have always wanted to stop to see the gravestones. So that is what we did. It's a lovely area enclosed by a stone wall with an open gate. The tall trees shade graves from several generations of the Ludington family. The main stone marks the burial site of Captain Lewis Ludington who was a lumberman, a Great Lakes captain, and then went on to found the Ludington News Agency, a wholesale magazine distribution agency in Michigan.

With internet searching so easy these days, it is possible to put a names from grave stones into a website like and come up with clues toward the life stories of people whose graves are marked. That's how I found out that the Ludington family kept coming to Huron County as summer visitors and counted their summer properties north of Harbor Beach as a special place.

Moving on toward Harbor Beach, we pulled into the marina near the Coast Guard station. I often stop here to take photos of the harbor and boats, and of the huge Detroit Edison electric plant. This time, the waters of the harbor had that incredible blue glow that gives Lake Huron its "bluewater" name.

By the time we got to Huron Line Road along the eastern shore of Huron County, we had driven 88 miles. Ed says that he always thought that our county has 92 miles of shoreline. We wandered away from M-25 several times and we did not drive all the way out to the tip of Sand Point. Maybe another time we will stay on M-25 and get an accurate count of the miles of state highway that encircle our great County of Huron in the Great State of Michigan.

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