Saturday, June 2, 2012

Happy Diamond Jubilee to the Queen

I started using my new Diamond Jubilee mug yesterday afternoon when I fixed coffee in it. I doubt that Queen Elizabeth even knows what a Keurig coffee brewer is or a K-cup, but here's is my very cool Jubilee mug receiving the first K-cup of bold coffee (it was that kind of day and I needed the bold caffeine business).

This weekend, on Sunday, is the Thames Diamond Jubilee River Pageant, a very, very large flotilla of vessels moving down the Thames in London. The bells of St. James Garlickhythe (see the map), one of the many churches that we visited in May, will lead the flotilla.

The bells, newly cast and soon to be installed at the church, will be on a floating belfry, "swinging full circle to herald the arrival of Her Majesty," says publicity from St. James Garlickhythe where the parish is very excited about their new bells and the pageant. The Queen's royal barge will follow the Garlickhythe bells which will be answered by the pealing of bells along both shores of the Thames. Very, very cool indeed.

I have already missed the Diamond Jubilee Garden Party held at St. Michael's Chester Square on Thursday evening. The Pink Champagne Sisters, a vintage music trio, were the featured entertainment at their outdoor event which we saw advertised on posters at the church when we visited them two weeks ago.

One of our Pipedreams tour leaders, Tom Bell, is the organist at St. Michael's. No doubt Tom got to hob nob with parishoners and party goers and the Champagne Sisters at the Jubilee Garden Party which is one of probably hundreds of events to be held in honor of the Queen this month in the UK.

It's to be four days of celebration in the UK and it sounds absolutely marvelous. The shops are decorated. Streets are decked out with the Union Jack. There will parties and gatherings and parades and festivals and fun. It will be four days of holiday, all for the purpose of promoting longevity and family (isn't everybody's family somewhat royal?) and steadfastness and love of country.

It should be a good show, British friends. Raise a cup (of tea) for me, if you please!

Copyright 2012
Wanda Hayes Eichler

1 comment:

  1. Yup. Huge amounts of hob nobbing done, and masses of free food and drink consumed..........
